Root - The Marauder Expansion table top game

How to Play Root's Marauders Expansion in 15 Minutes

Reviewing EVERY Root Expansion!

A Biased Review of Root: The Marauder Expansion

Root: The Marauder Expansion kickstarter video

ROOT Marauder Expansion - How to Play

Do Root's new Marauder expansion & hireling packs finally make 2 player fun? - TCbH Review

Root: The Marauder Expansion Review

Root: The Marauder Expansion #boardgames #rootboardgame #boardgameunboxing

ROOT Marauder Expansion - what's in the Box?

Root: The Marauder Review - Some Good, Some Bad, Some Badgers & Some Rats

Hirelings Core Rules - How to Play part 1 - Root

The 2 player ROOT Conundrum | How Marauders Solves it…

Root: The Marauder Expansion

Root: Marauder Expansion Unboxing!

Crow's unboxing Root The Marauder Expansion Kickstarter

Root - The Marauder Expansion | Should You Back It? | Kickstarter | Tabletop

Root Marauder Expansion - Daily Game Unboxing

Reboxing Root Marauder - The Dicetroyers

Root is Back . . . Marauder Expansion Has Arrived!

Root’s NEWEST Factions are here! The Homeland Expansion Prototype Review

Root: Marauder Expansion - First Impressions / Review

Unboxing Board Game Root: The Marauders Expansion

Root: Marauder and Hireling Expansions Insert - Unofficial | Wooden Organizer

Root the Tabletop Roleplaying Game (Boardgames Come to Life As Broader, Better Immersive Worlds)